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Register Data

At the root of each theme, there is always a register.json file. In this file you can add what is needed for your theme.

Register js and css your theme

You can add js or css to your theme very simple. Add or edit your register.json file, Accept path/to/yourtheme/assets/path or url remote file. E.x

    "styles": {
        "js": [
        "css": [

Register nav menu

Add nav menu location in your theme. Add or edit your register.json file

    "nav_menus": {
        "primary": {
            "label": "Primary menu"

And Admin -> Menu, You can choose location for your menu

Register sidebar

Sidebar refers to a widget ready area used by Themes to display information that is not part of the main content. It is not always a vertical column on the side. It can be a horizontal rectangle below or above the content area, footer, header or anywhere in the Theme.

The use of Sidebars varies and depends on the choice of the Theme designer. Themes that support multiple Sidebars are also known as widget ready areas.

Add sidebar to Theme

  • Add or edit your register.json file
    "sidebars": {
        "sidebar": {
            "label": "Sidebar"
  • Now, you can go to Admin -> Widgets, there is a block Sidebar on the right column of the screen.

Show sidebar on Theme

  • You can use the dynamic_sidebar function to call the Sidebar where you want the Sidebar to be displayed
  • Ex:
<div class="sticky-top">
    {{ dynamic_sidebar('sidebar') }}

Register widgets

Add widgets

  • Add or edit your register.json file
    "widgets": {
        "banner": {
            "label": "Banner",
            "description": "Banner sidebar",
            "view": ""
        "popular": {
            "label": "Popular",
            "description": "Popular posts",
            "view": ""

Add widgets to sidebars

  • To add widgets to sidebars go to Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets select and click Add Widget from the left column, widgets will be added to the respective sidebars in the right column

Register page templates

  • Add or edit your register.json file
    "templates": {
        "home": {
            "label": "Home",
            "view": "theme::templates.home",
            "blocks": {
                "content": {
                    "label": "Content"
        "support": {
            "label": "Support",
            "view": ""
  • theme::templates.home, is View dispaly template

  • blocks Define blocks for template

  • The above code adds a template with key home, you can see it in Admin -> Page -> Edit/Create Form -> Template. theme::templates.home is the view that displays the page content. To display template content, see Custom Page.

Register page block

Page Block is similar to widgets but it can be customized on specific pages if the page uses Page Block content.

Add Page Block

  • Add or edit your register.json file.
    "blocks": {
        "popular_news": {
            "label": "Popular news",
            "description": "Popular news",
            "view": ""
  • The above code adds a Page Block whose key is popular_news, is the display view of this block on Theme.

Using Page Block in the Template

  • To enable Page Block in your template, you need to register blocks in your template registration.
    "templates": {
        "home": {
            "label": "Home",
            "view": "theme::templates.home",
            "blocks": {
                "content": {
                    "label": "Content"
  • content is the block users can add sub-blocks when creating/editing pages with home template.

See more document for page templates:

Full file demo theme register

    "styles": {
        "js": [
        "css": [
    "templates": {
        "home": {
            "label": "Home",
            "view": "theme::templates.home",
            "blocks": {
                "content": {
                    "label": "Content"
        "support": {
            "label": "Support",
            "view": ""
    "nav_menus": {
        "primary": {
            "label": "Primary menu"
    "sidebars": {
        "sidebar": {
            "label": "Sidebar"
        "footer_column": {
            "label": "Footer"
    "widgets": {
        "banner": {
            "label": "Banner",
            "description": "Banner sidebar",
            "view": ""
        "popular": {
            "label": "Popular",
            "description": "Popular posts",
            "view": ""
    "blocks": {
        "news_slider": {
            "label": "Post slider",
            "description": "Posts slider carousel",
            "view": ""
        "popular_news": {
            "label": "Popular news",
            "description": "Popular news",
            "view": ""