In your plugin, there are times when you will need to user configs something or simply toggle a feature in the plugin. Juzaweb CMS gives you a powerful tool to create simple and quick setup forms and fields.
To register config fields you can use registerConfig
method in HookAction
, see below example.
// In your Action class, add to action INIT
$this->addAction(Action::INIT_ACTION, [$this, 'addConfigs']);
Register config field
public function addConfigs()
Ok, now you can use function set_config()
or get_config()
to set or get config enable_feature
set_config('enable_feature', 1);
// Get config
$config = get_config('enable_feature');
Config form makes it easy to create config forms for users in Admin -> Setting -> General Setting
public function addConfigs()
'name' => trans('examble::content.setting'),
'priority' => 20
public function addConfigs()
"enable_feature" => [
'label' => trans('examble::content.enable_feature'),
'form' => 'examble',
Field enable_feature
default type is text
, You can modify them by adding type to array.
public function addConfigs()
"enable_feature" => [
'form' => 'examble',
'type' => 'select',
'label' => trans('examble::content.enable_feature'),
'data' => [
'options' => [
0 => trans('cms::app.disabled'),
1 => trans('cms::app.enabled'),
Type Support: text, textarea, select, checkbox, radio, image, images, security, hidden, editor, upload_url.
If you want to create fields manually, add an option view to your Config Form and configure the view to display them.
public function addConfigs()
'name' => trans('examble::content.setting'),
'view' => view('examble::setting.form'),
'priority' => 20
namespace Juzaweb\Example\Actions;
use Juzaweb\CMS\Abstracts\Action;
class ExampleAction extends Action
public function handle()
$this->addAction(Action::INIT_ACTION, [$this, 'addConfigs']);
public function addConfigs(): void
'name' => trans('examble::content.setting'),
'priority' => 20
"enable_feature" => [
'form' => 'examble',
'type' => 'select',
'label' => trans('examble::content.enable_feature'),
'data' => [
'options' => [
0 => trans('cms::app.disabled'),
1 => trans('cms::app.enabled'),
// Or use custom view
'name' => trans('examble::content.setting'),
'view' => view('examble::setting.form'),
'priority' => 20