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Create plugin

Plugin is a Laravel package which was created to manage your large Laravel app using modules. A plugin is like a Laravel package, it has some views, controllers or models. This package is supported and tested in Laravel 9.

Create plugin

Creating a plugin is simple and straightforward. Run the following command to create a plugin.

php artisan plugin:make author/plugin-name

Folder structure

|-- plugin-name/
    |-- src/
        |-- database/
          |-- factories/
          |-- migrations/
          |-- seeders/
        |-- Http/
          |-- Controllers/
          |-- Middleware/
          |-- Requests/
          |-- Datatables/
        |-- Models/
        |-- Providers/
          |-- PluginNameServiceProvider.php
        |-- resources/
          |-- assets/
              |-- js/
                |-- app.js
              |-- sass/
                |-- app.scss
          |-- lang/
          |-- views/
        |-- routes/
          |-- api.php
          |-- admin.php
    |-- tests/
    |-- composer.json
    |-- package.json
    |-- webpack.mix.js

Information & Autoload

Open the composer.json file, you will see a file of the form

    "name": "author/name",
    "description": "Description plugin.",
    "extra": {
        "juzaweb": {
            "providers": [
            "name": "Plugin Display Name",
            "domain": "domain",
            "cms_min": "3.0",
            "version": "1.0"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Author\\Name\\": "src/"

Extra juzaweb config

  • PluginServiceProvider load on plugin activated
  • name: Display name plugin in cms
  • domain: Namespace for views and lang in plugins
  • cms_min: Min CMS version can run plugin
  • version: Current version of plugin

Custom namespace

When you create a new module it also registers new custom namespace for Lang, View and Config. For example, if you create a new module named blog, it will also register new namespace/hint blog for that module. Then, you can use that namespace for calling Lang, View or Config. Following are some examples of its usage: Calling Lang:


On blade template


Calling View:

